United States

Ensuring your leaders have what it takes. Now and for the future. Locally and globally.

Welcome to DDI. We help organizations hire, promote, and develop exceptional leaders. From first-time managers to C-suite executives, our commitment is to be by your side to help you tackle leadership challenges in your 480-minute workday. We invite you to spend a few minutes getting to know us in our United States operation.

Our company headquarters is located in Collier Township just outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

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Welcome to DDI in the US

With world headquarters based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, our approach is based on nearly five decades of obsession with the science and practice of leadership. As pioneers in the field, we were the first to bring assessment centers to the workplace. We are also the inventors of behavioral interviewing and the creators of the world’s first proven leadership development program.

Now millions of leaders later, we stand today as innovators. We have some of the most sought-after leadership experts in the world to thank for that. And they aren’t just consultants. They’re partners who become involved in your journey. They want to make sure your investment of time and resources deliver the results you need.

We failed to create a 25th hour in the day. Instead, we created Leadership 480

Based on our experience working with millions of leaders around the world for five decades, we have come to one simple conclusion: Time is the number one barrier to great leadership. The constant demands on leaders’ time and attention creates tremendous focus on what’s urgent, while ignoring what’s important.

We can change that. Leadership 480SM is DDI’s strategic framework to help you hire, promote, and develop exceptional leaders who maximize their effectiveness in every minute, every day, and every month of their careers. And it all revolves around one powerful number: 480.

Make the Switch to Virtual Classroom

Great leadership depends on human connection. That’s why it’s so important that leaders learn together. And it’s why the traditional classroom format has always been king for leadership development.

But you don’t have to give that up when your workforce goes virtual. Virtual classrooms are so much more than webinars or online training. They’re an engaging virtual environment where leaders connect and discuss live. And they offer incredible flexibility to bring people together wherever and whenever works best.

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Client Public Workshops

DDI’s certification workshops are designed to build capability and enhance your ability to drive business impact for your organization. Workshops are held virtually or in cities around the US and are intended for the purpose of individuals within prospect and client organizations.

You can complete the Facilitator Certification Process workshop and become a certified facilitator to deliver our award-winning leadership courses. Already certified? You can take your skills to the next level with our Facilitator Booster sessions. Or, get certified in Targeted Selection® to train and implement the world’s most proven, accurate behavioral interviewing system. 

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