Middle Manager Program
Managing in the Middle Means Managing Impact
Middle managers are the connectors between strategy and implementation. As directors, VPs, and business unit heads, their personal impact becomes more important. Suddenly, they need to lead more through influence and drive change on a larger scale, plus develop talent thoughtfully and think broadly about culture.
However, few leadership development programs are targeted to grow the skills effective middle managers need. And none integrate personal insights into courses. So that's exactly what we created.
DDI's middle manager training personalizes development so it's laser-focused. Your leaders know exactly where to grow their skills to increase impact.
See the Results of Your Middle Manager Program
DDI Impact Evaluation data shows our clients see significant impact from their middle manager development programs.
91% of middle managers apply new skills back on the job after a DDI program
On average, middle managers are 48% more effective after their development
84% of middle managers say their interest in growing at their company increased after their DDI program

What Skills Do My Middle Managers Need?
As middle managers get further away from the day-to-day work of execution and closer to driving strategy, they need leadership skills to influence larger groups. And they also need to advance their foundational skills to lead in a new context.
DDI's middle manager programs focus on key skills such as emotional intelligence, coaching for growth, connecting talent to strategy, accelerating change, and driving transformation through culture.
But this is just the beginning. We offer a wide range of middle manager courses, microcourses, and tools that help you create a program to meet your leaders’ needs.
Middle Manager Programs for Higher Impact
When leaders become middle managers, they not only need to learn new skills, but also change how they learn them. DDI created Impact Sessions to meet the unique learning needs of middle managers. These sessions are built to make training highly effective: Engaging peer connection. Rapid skill development. Focused discussion in the context of your leader's unique business needs. Above all, a deeply personalized learning experience.
Unique to the market, DDI weaves personal insight into Impact Sessions. Leaders receive reports on their personal leadership style and how their style is likely to impact their effectiveness in specific skills. This report shows leaders how their personality traits and tendencies may impact how others see them.
Best of all? Every Impact Session is under two hours.

Sample Learning Journey
Imagine Your Middle Manager Program
Each DDI middle manager program is designed to meet the specific needs of the organization’s leaders and business strategy. See what a sample program might look like for you.
After we marketed this program just for director-level and above, we got so many sign-ups that we now have a waitlist!
L&D Head from an Electronics Company
Jumpstart Your Middle Manager Development
Middle managers face new challenges every day. That's why we believe great development doesn’t begin and end with a formal program. And as your middle managers’ needs change, so should your program.
What shouldn’t change are the concepts and skills that your leaders learn. Across every level, your leaders need to have a consistent leadership language, and clarity on what they should expect from one another.
So we make it easy to be flexible, yet consistent. One subscription at a fixed price gives you all the tools to create an exceptional middle manager program, in line with your efforts at every level.