
Ensuring your leaders have what it takes.

DDI Thailand is an expert in Leadership Development. Over 300 clients covering all industries and more than 50% are Thailand’s top companies listed in SET (Stock Exchange of Thailand).

We help organizations hire, promote, and develop exceptional leaders. From first-time managers to C-suite executives, our commitment is to be by your side to help you tackle leadership challenges that impact your 480-minute workday. We invite you to spend a few minutes getting to know us, and our approach to leadership. 

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An Efficient Online Leadership Development Solution

 • TRANSTALENT® is a Mobile Learning Solution initiated by DDI leaf* 

 • TRANSTALENT® focuses on accelerating front-line leaders’ transition in various leadership competences. 

 • TRANSTALENT® is an Inclusive learning and development product featuring “Pre-diagnose, Learn, Practice, and Final-evaluation” 

 *DDI leaf is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DDI with the aim of developing digital innovations. 

Global resources to help you pivot.

Make the Switch to Virtual Classroom

Great leadership depends on human connection. That’s why it’s so important that leaders learn together. And it’s why the traditional classroom format has always been king for leadership development.

But you don’t have to give that up when your workforce goes virtual. Virtual classrooms are so much more than webinars or online training. They’re an engaging virtual environment where leaders connect and discuss live. And they offer incredible flexibility to bring people together wherever and whenever works best.

Explore virtual classroom

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The Leadership Development Playbook

Explore trends and proven best practices to design powerful development experiences in a disruptive leadership development landscape.

Our playbook will help you:

  • Spot the trends disrupting leadership today
  • Understand common challenges leadership development teams face
  • Explore new perspectives to reimagine your approach to developing leaders
  • Tap into 5 best practices to deliver high-impact leadership experiences
  • Create blended learning journeys in multiple formats

Download Now

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The program’s results—the positive impacts to our business—are impressive, but I’m most excited by what I’m hearing from leaders.

— Andy McNeill, Global Talent Development Manager, Fugro

Meet Our Local Team

When you trust us to help your leaders excel today and tomorrow, you allow this team to keep your organisation’s needs top of their mind.
Get to know our local leaders.