Listen in as Dr. Tacy Byham shares what to expect as you dive into a first-time manager role and why investing in your team's growth is crucial to success.
Tips for First-Time Managers
42 min

Find out why Justin Jones-Fosu says modeling behavior and discovering the power of your voice are essential to respectfully disagreeing in the workplace.
How to Respectfully Disagree at Work
54 min

Discover why Joseph Fetzer says being a bomb tech is easier than being in people tech and how you need to shift your thinking about how you develop your leadership skills.
Leadership as a Developable Skill
44 min

Curious about how leaders drive innovation? It can shift your team in a positive direction, says Danny Gandara, who explains the benefits of an innovation mindset, how to identify roadblocks, and why embracing failure is key.
How Leaders Drive Innovation
26 min

Are one-on-one meetings the first to go when your calendar gets busy? Big mistake, says Dr. Steven Rogelberg, who explains why these meetings are critical to employee retention and connectivity.
How to Master One-on-One Meetings
29 min

Coaching is both challenging and deeply rewarding for leaders. But there's more to having valuable coaching conversations than you may think.
How to Have Better Coaching Conversations
36 min

There's a right way and a wrong way to show vulnerability in leadership. Do it right and you see incredible results in your team. Do it wrong and you look incompetent. Jacob Morgan shows how to get it right.
The Secret to Getting Vulnerability Right in Leadership
41 min

A lot of people think they know how leaders can improve performance: Put in the hard work. But the reality is that you need a deliberate mindset shift.
How Leaders Can Improve Performance
41 min