Leadership Courses
Develop Exceptional Leaders at All Levels
At DDI, we’re focused on delivering measurable change in your leaders. Our leadership courses are deeply rooted in the science of human behavior, measurement, and research-driven innovation. With live sessions and microlearning options, you can build blended learning journeys or leadership programs to engage and develop your leaders.
Our leadership development subscriptions give you the ultimate option for flexible, ongoing development to deliver results. You get everything you need to create a successful leadership development program that supports your business strategy today and in the future.
New! - High-Impact Feedback and Listening
Seek, give, and receive feedback more effectively
Virtual Classroom
There is beauty and power in feedback, but fear can hold people back. Turn that fear into fuel for growth by learning effective, memorable ways to seek, give, and receive feedback. The result? Feedback that is both practical and meaningful. This course provides techniques and tools that empower people to participate equally and listen actively during each feedback moment. These collaborative feedback conversations can change behavior, unleash growth, and enable your workplace to thrive.
Helps individuals:
- Recognize the importance of feedback and listening to your development and success and that of others.
- Identify why it can be hard to give and receive feedback.
- Practice active listening to encourage collaboration and discovery.
- Use interaction skills and a feedback approach to give meaningful feedback.
- Use tools and techniques that encourage receptivity to developmental feedback.
Competencies developed:
- Coaching
- Communication
- Leveraging Feedback
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Addressing Poor Work Habits
Avoid pitfalls and get tips on positive habits
Learn simple problem-solving steps to handle poor work habits on your team. Then, dive into realistic scenarios for practice. Expert coaches provide advice on how to make positive habits stick.
Helps individuals:
- Strengthen their approach to handling employees with poor work habits.
- Avoid common pitfalls.
- Gain practical advice on how to problem-solve with employees to turn poor habits around.
- Prepare for their next challenge using the Work Habits Planner.
Competencies developed:
- Coaching
- Influencing
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Being Prepared to Take the HEAT
Learn how to manage customer interactions
Learn how to manage customer interactions, raise customer satisfaction, and take the HEAT.
- Be introduced to a model to help them respond to dissatisfied customers in a way that addresses needs and builds loyalty.
- Learn to diffuse situations so they can address the problem and stop the frustration from gaining momentum.
Competencies developed:
- Building Customer Relationships
- Customer Focus
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Boost Your Resilience
Overcome stress and adversity with resilience
Adversity, change, turbulence, and uncertainty can be part of any given day. While we successfully navigate most challenges, others require greater resilience—the ability to cope with stress and adversity. Resilience keeps us from feeling stuck. Key personality traits and skills can raise our resilience, and power us through even the most challenging times.
Helps individuals:
- Learn how individual traits and skills affect resilience.
- Discover methods to manage tendencies and strengthen skills.
- Consider which mindset obstacles and personal biases are interfering with resilience.
- Create a 60-day plan for boosting resilience.
Competencies developed:
- Building Partnerships
- Decision Making
- Driving Innovation
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Building Rapport Virtually
Connect and build rapport with interviewees virtually
Attracting and landing the best candidates is a competitive advantage for an organization. When interviewers establish a human connection, candidates have a more positive impression of the job and organization. To make that connection in a virtual setting, interviewers must be especially aware of their words and actions and make an extra effort to build rapport.
Helps individuals:
- Understand how helping candidates feel at ease can land top job seekers and benefit the organization.
- Learn ways to create a welcoming virtual environment.
- Use interaction skills to build a human connection with candidates.
Competencies developed:
- Building Partnerships
- Earning Trust
- Selecting Talent
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Career Coaching Conversations
Develop employees with career coaching
Creating, maintaining, and retaining a high-performing workforce helps organizations remain competitive. This course focuses on the ways career coaching can develop employees by exploring the options and opportunities available to them.
Helps individuals:
- Recognize the importance of following the Key Principles to meet personal needs during a career conversation.
- Recognize the role of understanding goals, aspirations, and motivations in creating a career plan.
- Follow a career coaching conversation model to ensure effective career coaching.
Competencies developed:
- Coaching
- Developing Others
- Inspiring Others
- Emotional Intelligence Essentials
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Communicating with Impact
Communicate more effectively
Virtual Classroom
This foundational course provides individuals with a powerful set of interaction skills that enables them to communicate more effectively with colleagues and customers and, in the process, build trust, strengthen partnerships, and achieve desired results.
Helps individuals:
- Recognize the impact they can have on their success and the success of others by enhancing interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
- Relate to colleagues and customers in a way that meets their personal needs while also meeting the practical need of accomplishing objectives.
- Use a set of interaction process skills that enable them to conduct more successful discussions that achieve results.
- Use a technique for providing specific, meaningful feedback that helps people improve their performance and increase productivity.
Competencies developed:
- Building Customer Loyalty
- Communication
- Influencing
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Contributing to an Inclusive Culture
Create an inclusive environment
Each of us has a role to play in creating an environment where our colleagues can thrive, not in spite of what makes them unique, but because of it. This course focuses on how you can mitigate the effects of unconscious bias and nurture the culture of inclusivity.
Helps individuals:
- Identify the impact of unconscious bias.
- Recognize the value of inclusion.
- Gain awareness of unconscious bias, disrupt it, and act in ways that ensure fairness.
- Apply the Key Principles to meet people's need to feel valued and respected.
Competencies developed:
- Creating an Inclusive Environment
- Emotional Intelligence Essentials
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Data-Driven Decision Making
Collect and analyze information to accelerate action
Digital technology and data are helping organizations transform into more responsive, nimble, and inclusive cultures. Information is abundant, yet leaders are making more and more decisions in the midst of uncertainty. To lead through transformation effectively, leaders must get the right information and form accurate insights. Then, they can accelerate actions.
Helps individuals:
- Learn about decision making in transformation-orientated organizational cultures.
- Discover methods to effectively collect and analyze information.
- Learn how to propose, vet, and select alternative courses of action.
- Prepare to confidently decide and accelerate action.
Competencies developed:
- Decision Making
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Embracing Change
Implement change in the workplace
Virtual Classroom
This course for individual contributors focuses on their role in implementing change in the workplace. Participants discover their Change IQ, learn about the phases of change that many people experience, and are introduced to best practices that will enable them to tackle and overcome the new business challenges of today and tomorrow.
Helps individuals:
- Commit to and take ownership of change.
- Effectively recognize change, explore change, and overcome personal resistance to change.
- Minimize the negative impact on individuals, work groups, and the organization of not adapting to change.
- Demonstrate an embracing change mind-set that influences others to embrace workplace change.
Competencies developed:
- Adaptability
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Embracing Change: Yourself & Others
Respond positively and remain open to change
Change is universal. However, it manifests itself in very different ways, depending on the situation, the environment, the people, and the timing. Understanding the recent past, the present, and the near future will prepare you to address important issues connected with a change. And it will surface the fears, concerns, challenges, and opportunities that you need to discuss and confront.
Helps individuals:
- Understand how people typically react when change occurs.
- Demonstrate an embracing change mind-set that will enable you to remain open to workplace change.
- Determine how you can influence changes when, at first glance, it appears you have no control.
Competencies developed:
- Positive Approach
- Stress Tolerance
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Engaging Quiet Quitters
Recognize the signs and causes to prevent disengagement
Quiet quitting is the new hot topic; however, it’s not new in the workplace. Also known as employee disengagement, leaders will learn to recognize the causes and symptoms of quiet quitting and learn strategies to re-engage and prevent this from happening on their teams.
Helps leaders:
- Understand the meaning of quiet quitting and its causes.
- Recognize signs of quiet quitting.
- Examine purpose, respect, and growth opportunities to prevent quiet quitting.
Competencies developed:
- Building Organizational Talent
- Developing Others
- Energizing the Organization
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Influencing Others to Make Things Happen
Learn techniques to help achieve commitment for action
In today's ever-evolving organizations, leaders need to get things done through people who don't report to them and, in some cases, even outrank them. Welcome to the new age of influence, where, to be effective, you must know the techniques that will help you earn people's commitment to make things happen.
Helps individuals:
- Capture people's attention, change their perspective, and make things happen.
- Clearly link ideas, suggestions, and recommendations to changes that will have a positive impact on individual, team, and organizational performance.
- Express themselves with enthusiasm and conviction.
- Understand people's motivations, needs, and concerns, and gain their commitment.
Competencies developed:
- Influencing
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Interaction Skills Challenge
Practice the Interaction Essentials for better conversations
The Interaction Essentials are powerful skills for having meaningful and productive conversations with others. But there are times when we miss opportunities to use these skills or even misapply them. Participants challenge themselves to determine how these skills are used in four scenarios.
Helps individuals:
- Identify Key Principles used in a short conversation segment.
- Identify Interaction Guidelines used in a short conversation segment.
Competencies developed:
- Building Partnerships
- Communication
- Emotional Intelligence Essentials
- Managing Relationships
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Leading Meetings: Use Time Effectively
Eliminate bad meetings
Virtual Classroom
With this course, you can eliminate bad meetings (voted the #1 "time-killer" in organizations!) and make meetings more productive and inclusive. Leaders embark on an activity-filled exploration of techniques to drive intentionality, create impactful agendas, and encourage participation. Leaders will practice stewardship with a meeting makeover to make the best use of everyone’s time.
Helps leaders make meetings matter by:
- Mixing up their meeting approach with techniques that add variety and engagement.
- Designing quality meetings with intentionality and purpose.
- Preparing meaningful, impactful agendas.
- Turning “attendees” into motivated “participators.”
- Becoming a steward of others’ time.
Competencies developed:
- Communication
- Driving for Results
- Planning and Organizing
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Leading Teams Virtually
Achieve optimal team performance while working virtually
Imagine leading team members whom you’ve never or rarely met in person and who might never have met one another. Do they feel isolated, confused, or insecure? Do you? Even with the challenges of working remotely, you can enable your team to achieve optimal performance.
Helps leaders:
- Recognize challenges of leading virtual teams.
- Learn about six factors that indicate a team’s performance level.
- Observe signs that a factor needs to be strengthened.
- Plan to strengthen a factor on their virtual team.
Competencies developed:
- Guiding Team Success
- Creating a Culture of Trust
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Leading Teams: Achieve More Together
Boost team performance for business success
Virtual Classroom
All teams face challenges. Whether an agile leader, project leader, formal or informal leader - the team leader’s role is to identify them and guide the team in addressing them. In this course, learners become aware of teams’ practical and personal needs and are introduced to six factors by which they can evaluate a team’s level of performance. Learners experience an immersive, interactive exercise in which they diagnose problems of several teams in a fictitious organization and recommend steps the teams’ leaders can take to move toward optimal team performance. Learners apply this new understanding to their workplace teams and leave the session with a plan for moving forward toward optimal team performance.
Helps individuals:
- Identify team issues that have an adverse impact on productivity.
- Diagnose team dynamics and the effect on team and business results.
- Recognize their role in building and sustaining a high-performing team culture.
- Apply best practices to help teams overcome challenges.
- Leverage what they learn for use with their own team.
Competencies developed:
- Guiding Team Success
- Leading Teams
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Leading Virtual Meetings
Lead effective and engaging meetings virtually
In today’s global economy, virtual meetings are more frequent than ever. Whether you need to find an alternative for a face-to-face meeting or you must regularly communicate with distributed or remote employees, leading your meetings effectively – using process and personal techniques – is critical for team collaboration and decision making.
Helps individuals:
- Learn more about virtual meeting pitfalls.
- Evaluate individual process and personal orientations.
- Discover methods for improving meeting productivity and audience engagement.
Competencies developed:
- Communication
- Driving for Results
- Planning and Organizing
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Leveraging Diversity
Leverage differences to achieve improved results
Do you value the unique qualities you and your coworkers bring to the workplace? Did you know that people expressing their differences actually enhances an organization's growth? Valuing differences is the right thing to do from both an interpersonal and a business perspective. By leveraging diverse styles, abilities, and motivations (SAMs), you encourage creative solutions and unique approaches that enable your organization to achieve improved results.
Helps individuals:
- Determine their own styles, abilities, and motivations.
- Work more collaboratively and productively with people who have a variety of styles, abilities, and motivations.
- Use Key Principles to support differences and encourage others to share their unique contributions.
Competencies developed:
- Creating a Culture of Trust
- Creating an Inclusive Environment
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Making High-Quality Decisions
Select best course of action
Virtual Classroom
Sound decision making in today’s tough business environment demands much more than just coming up with or picking the best alternative or option. It requires analyzing potential problems or opportunities and making sound judgments based on analysis.
Using an engaging video case study, this course will explore a logical decision-making process that addresses the critical elements that result in high-quality business decisions. You will develop the skills and confidence to generate options and compare them to important decision criteria, and to select the best course of action. A situational insight taken before the session will provide the chance to examine personal strengths and weaknesses in decision making. Utilizing this process will also help you avoid the pitfalls that often undermine high-quality decision making.
Helps individuals:
- Recognize their role as a decision maker and gain confidence in their decision-making skills.
- Apply a framework and best practices for analyzing problems and opportunities for making high-quality decisions.
- Identify common decision-making pitfalls.
- Plan their approach to major analyses and decisions.
Competencies developed:
- Decision Making
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Navigating Beyond Conflict
Recognize signs of conflict and take action
Networking for Enhanced Collaboration
Develop, expand, and maintain a business network
Virtual Classroom
This course will help learners increase personal and team value by teaching them to cultivate a network of associates they can contact for information, advice, and coaching. Learners identify what information and expertise they need, identify who can provide it, practice asking for help, and then learn techniques for maintaining strong working relationships.
Helps individuals:
- Apply a process for developing, expanding, and maintaining a business network.
- Recognize the benefits of networking for themselves, their work group, and organization.
- Use a set of flexible interaction skills to secure the help and involvement of network contacts and maintain strong working relationships.
- Identify opportunities to reshape and expand their network to meet new needs.
- Plan their approach to following through on networking opportunities.
Competencies developed:
- Building Networks
- Building Partnerships
- Communication
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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On to the Next Adventure
Determine job fit and prepare for an interview
Are you ready for a change in your role, but not sure how to know if a particular position will be right for you? Or maybe you know exactly what you want but don’t know how to land the job. This course will help participants think through goals and motivations, and then gather robust examples of strengths based on experience. They’ll also get tips for navigating the interview, from starting the conversation in a positive manner, to providing complete examples of skills and abilities, to closing in a way that conveys interest in the position.
Helps individuals:
- Identify strengths and gaps in knowledge, skills, experience, and motivations.
- Decide whether they’re a good match for a job and an organization and whether the job and organization are right for them.
- Prepare behavioral examples for use in an interview that demonstrate how they’ve effectively used their skills in the past.
- Anticipate and be prepared to face a variety of interview challenges.
Competencies developed:
- Continuous Learning
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Overcoming Your Workplace Burnout
Prevent and recover from workplace burnout
Workplace burnout is much more than bad stress, and the symptoms are much greater. The external and internal factors that cause burnout are unique to each person. Leaders learn what factors can trigger personal burnout, how to protect themselves, and techniques for recovering if they’re already headed there.
Helps leaders:
- Discover what workplace burnout is and the symptoms it manifests.
- Conduct a personal inventory to self-diagnose possible burnout within themselves.
- Explore external and internal factors that can trigger their own journey into burnout.
- Review interventions for heading off burnout as well as individual techniques for recovery.
Competencies developed:
- Stress Tolerance
- Adaptability
- Energy
- Positive Approach
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Prioritizing and Productivity
Overcome barriers to stay focused on results
There's one motto almost everyone can relate to: "Make it fast and make it good." In today's competitive marketplace, people are pressed to achieve higher quality, faster results, and lower costs. But balancing these requirements can be difficult. Pay too much attention to quality, and time and costs can swell. Focus too much on speed, and quality might drop. Misdirect your focus, and these demands can start to hamper your productivity in a big way.
Helps individuals:
- Recognize challenges to productivity.
- Gain tips for prioritizing work, leveraging resources, and staying focused on results.
- Test their ability to stay productive.
Competencies developed:
- Planning and Organizing
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Resolving a Conflict You're Involved In
Learn techniques and skills to resolve conflict
The differences people bring to the workplace can promote remarkable creativity, innovation, and solutions. However, those same differences can lead to a lack of agreement (discord) and, if left unresolved, to a full-blown argument (dispute). You can feel the effects of conflict on yourself as well as those around you—tension, stress, lower morale. If the situation continues, it can damage relationships, productivity, quality, and service.
Helps individuals:
- Use the Interaction Guidelines to uncover the causes of a conflict and develop a solution that everyone can support.
- Use the Key Principles to show that they value the other person's ideas, build trust, and encourage the person toward resolution.
Competencies developed:
- Emotional Intelligence Essentials
- Resolving Conflict
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Stand and Huddle: Short Meetings that Address Team Challenges
Plan shorter meetings to meet team needs
Meetings expert Steven Rogelberg challenges leaders to get creative and try new meeting approaches that are efficient and energizing. Find out how standing meetings and short daily huddles can address team needs.
Helps individuals:
- Be prompted to try new ways of meeting.
- Gain insight into the research about quick meetings.
- Understand how different industries have applied huddles to solve problems.
- Plan a huddle for their team.
Competencies developed:
- Communication
- Driving for Results
- Planning and Organizing
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Steps for Great Service
Discover key steps for successful customer experiences
Customer experience is critically important to your organization. Your customers’ perception of how you and your company make them feel affect their behaviors, build memories, and drive their loyalty. In this course, you will discover key steps to ensuring a successful customer experience.
- Identify the personal and practical needs of customers.
- Review three Key Principles to help effectively meet and exceed customers' personal needs.
- Learn a simple process for satisfying customers’ practical needs.
Competencies developed:
- Building Customer Relationships
- Customer Focus
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Strategies for Influencing Others
Package ideas to influence others
Virtual Classroom
Whether it’s an innovative breakthrough or a simple process improvement, making it happen generally requires support and commitment to act from others in the organization. The best way to gain this commitment is to understand each stakeholder’s motivations, values, and goals, and have a plan that leverages these factors.
This course shows leaders, both experienced and aspiring, how to package their ideas in a way that will win over even the most skeptical individuals. They learn creative strategies to appeal to stakeholders’ heads and hearts, transform their perspectives, and gain their commitment to action.
Helps leaders:
- Understand a dynamic influencing process that enables them to plan intentionally and adapt their influencing approach.
- Assess the commitment level of key stakeholders they need to influence to achieve their business outcomes.
- Be proactive and effective when they gather, communicate, or present information.
- Use a set of packaging techniques to apply creativity and engage others with impact.
- Steer others toward supporting and making the commitment to take action.
Competencies developed:
- Influencing
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Strengthening Your Partnerships
Identify and promote open communication
Virtual Classroom
This course focuses on six Checkpoints that help partners identify and focus on important issues and promote open communication. In addition, learners are also introduced to the Partnership Scorecard, a tool used to provide feedback and measure progress on key elements of the partnership.
Helps individuals:
- Identify six important areas of agreement—called Partnership Checkpoints—that are critical to a successful partnership.
- Use these Checkpoints as the basis for defining and agreeing on key aspects of what is to be accomplished and how the partners will work together.
- Recognize common areas of misunderstanding in partnerships.
- Create and apply measurement tools and methods to monitor progress and facilitate the exchange of feedback.
Competencies developed:
- Building Partnerships
- Earning Trust
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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Unconscious Bias: Awareness into Action
Become aware of biases in order to make better decisions
Everyone has unconscious biases—they’re the result of the way the brain handles the millions of bits of information bombarding us daily. But our biases can get in the way of our good intentions, limit our own success, and cause us to deny development opportunities to others. This microcourse helps learners become aware of their own biases in order to make better decisions.
Helps individuals:
- Learn how the brain influences reactions to the world around them.
- Review common biases and gain insights into their own behavior.
- Interrupt their biases to make better decisions.
Competencies developed:
- Creating a Culture of Trust
- Creating an Inclusive Environment
Microcourses are exclusively available with a leadership development subscription.
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Valuing Differences
Explore and leverage unique perspectives
Virtual Classroom
Valuing Differences gives people effective skills and tools for exploring others’ unique perspectives, understanding and leveraging people’s inherent differences, challenging devaluing behavior, and creating an environment in which people’s differences are respected and utilized.
Helps individuals:
- Contribute their unique styles, abilities, and motivations to ensure the success of their work group and organization.
- Encourage others to contribute their unique styles, abilities, and motivations.
- Work more collaboratively and productively with people who have a variety of styles, abilities, and motivations.
- Leverage the talents of their coworkers to achieve better results.
- Contribute to a climate in which people’s differences are respected and utilized.
Competencies developed:
- Valuing Differences
Interested in delivering this course? Ask us about our facilitator certification options.
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