Leadership Habit Builder

Transform Skills into Everyday Habits

You can make development a way of work with ongoing feedback using DDI’s Leadership Habit Builder.

Leadership Habit Builder transforms skills into new habits through the power of continuous feedback. Plus, it’s a data-driven approach to track progress and showcase the success of your leadership development programs.

It's available as an exclusive add-on to our leadership development subscription. Get an overview with this brief video.

Powerful Dashboards for You and Your Leaders

Data from ongoing competency-based feedback can reinforce and sustain new skills, develop leadership habits, and track progress.

With Leadership Habit Builder, you have an easy and quick way to:

  • Improve skills with feedback data.
  • Get baseline data and real-time progress on your program.
  • Plan for individual and group development plans.
  • Track and visualize behavior change.

Download an overview below, which includes access to a quick demo of Leadership Habit Builder right from your phone. 

Download an overview

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Develop Real-Time Skill Gaps with Focused Feedback

With regular feedback, leaders don't need to wait for their annual performance review or the next 360 survey. Regularly refreshed data shows what's going well and what skills they need to improve on right now and not when it's too late.

With Leadership Habit Builder as part of your leadership development subscription, you can:

  • Give leaders actionable feedback in an engaging new way.
  • Empower leaders to take ownership of their own development as they track progress and see results.
  • Sustain skills and extend learning with additional development tips.

Explore a subscription

If a 360 is a picture in time, then [Leadership Habit Builder] is a movie that shows me how my leadership has developed.

A Participant

Frictionless Feedback and Easy Setup

Giving feedback is as quick and easy as a swipe on your phone. Leadership Habit Builder works in three easy steps:

  1. Set up. Once the quick setup is complete, the system will do all the work for you. That's right: no surveys to send out, no spreadsheets to review, and no late nights creating reports to present. 
  2. Swipe for feedback. It only takes a few minutes (and a few swipes on their phones!) each week for feedback providers. It's a quick and objective process; plus it ensures teams feel psychologically safe to provide honest feedback.
  3. See results. Leaders and HR teams get a real-time dashboard on strengths, gaps, and measurable change.
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Powered by Rhabit Analytics

In partnership with Rhabit Analytics, Leadership Habit Builder combines the latest research in organizational psychology with intuitive and easy-to-use technology to unlock the power of continuous feedback.

Together, we’ll be by your side to develop better leaders with real-time data, powerful insights, and proof of impact of your leadership program.

Learn more about Rhabit Analytics